BAKER, ANN CAMBRIDGE UNIV. PRESS Ref. 9780521685276 Altres llibres del mateix autor
    Enjoyable pronunciation practice of English sounds, word stress and intonation for beginner-level students. Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this revised edition of Tree or Three? retains its simplicity and straightforward syllabus. The emphasis on minimal pairs, which made the original...
    Ancho: 169 cm Largo: 238 cm Pes: 357 gr
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    41,50 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-521-68527-6
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2007
    • Any d'edició : 2007
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autors : BAKER, ANN
    • Nº d pàgines : 136
    Enjoyable pronunciation practice of English sounds, word stress and intonation for beginner-level students. Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this revised edition of Tree or Three? retains its simplicity and straightforward syllabus. The emphasis on minimal pairs, which made the original edition so popular, makes pronunciation practice light-hearted and accessible. * Clear rubrics for exercises with answer key and improved navigation make the material even more user-friendly. * Each unit offers comprehensive practice of sounds, with additional work on stress and intonation. * The accompanying audio CDs give lots of listening and pronunciation practice. This pack contains the second edition of Tree or Three? and a set of 3 audio CDs.

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