AA. VV. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ESPAÑA Ref. 9780194325387 Altres llibres de la mateixa col·lecció Altres llibres del mateix autor
    The Oxford Collocations Dictionary improves students' accuracy by showing them the words that work together in both British and American English. Using the dictionary develops a better awareness of which words go together and helps students sound more natural. The dictionary is an essential tool for...
    Ancho: 156 cm Largo: 234 cm Pes: 1125 gr
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    32,40 €
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    • ISBN : 978-0-19-432538-7
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2009
    • Any d'edició : 2009
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : AA. VV.
    • Nº d pàgines : 0
    The Oxford Collocations Dictionary improves students' accuracy by showing them the words that work together in both British and American English. Using the dictionary develops a better awareness of which words go together and helps students sound more natural. The dictionary is an essential tool for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL First Certificate or Proficiency Exam, IELTS, or studying other subjects in English which require writing in English e.g. reports for a science subject, economics. Students look up a word they know to find which words are used with it. Each entry is organized around a word and its collocates. The collocates are grouped by part of speech - i.e. verbs that collocate with the entry are listed together. Students can look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words on the CD-ROM. 25 Usage notes show students collocations shared by sets of words such as seasons, currencies, and languages. Interactive exercises on the CD-ROM and in the 16-page p

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